Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Idea of a University

While reading Victorian Ladies and Gentlemen, I noticed something that was pretty interesting. In the opening lines of John Henry Cardinal Newman's work "The Idea of a University," he states, " Hence it is that it is almost a definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain. This description is both refined and, as far as it goes, accurate (563)." The real interesting thing that comes to mind whenever I read this is how this definition of a gentleman seems to conflict with some of the views on how women were treated by men during the Victorian period. Although Newman seems to be descibing the way men acted in this period, I believe that that society's perception of how women should act and be treated gave men the ability to treat women the way that they did and still be able to be viewed as gentlemen. However, it seems to contradict the definition that Newman presents in the opening sentences. Although I do believe that men were part of the problem towards women, I believe that society created the bigger problem which led to this treatment of women.


Jonathan.Glance said...


Good quotation from Newman to discuss--this is one of the most famous statements from this excerpt. Perhaps there is a difference between what Newman was saying a gentleman ought to be, and several of the women writers' complaints about how they really were. Of course, not all men were gentlemen--it was a very class-oriented term, and only applied to the wealthy originally.

kyle mcnease said...


You offered an interesting point-of-view in this blog. I had not thought of it in these same terms. Perhaps you are more right in your assertions than I was in mine. It simply did not appear to me in this light. Hmmm. You are killing me! I might need to go back and make some textual notes (out on the fringes of the pages) and keep your thoughts in mind. Good post.


Robert Adamson said...

i liked the contradiction that you found in Newman's work. i didnt even notice it when i read over it but that is very true and an obvious contradiction of the time. I agree that society allowed women to be treated poorly by men and that these men could still be gentlemen. Good thing we have come a long way from that. Nice analytical skills!

nithough said...

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